RED Supported/Invited
R.E.D. Meeting
Please join us for a wrap-up/de-briefing of Elder/Youth Conference and an important presentation/discussion with Connie Saldana from Senior and Disabled Services regarding outreach to our elders.
R.E.D. Meeting
Please join us if you can to help organize the upcoming Elder~Youth Conference! We appreciate any and all help we can get--every bit counts!
Southern Oregon Veteran's Powwow
Please come out and honor the Veterans at the VA Domiciliary for the annual Veteran's Powwow! Grand entries Saturday @ Noon and 7 p.m., community dinner at 5 p.m.. Grand entry Sunday @ Noon. On the baseball fields at the Dom! Dancing, drumming, good eats, vendors.
NASU Salmon Bake
Please join the SOU Native American Student Union and community for a delicious salmon lunch at their annual Salmon Bake! $5 a plate included salmon, wild rice, corn, green salad and cake. Support from this fund-raiser goes to Native American students and their club (NASU).
R.E.D. Spring Social
Please join us for our seasonal Social. We will be updating the community about spring/summer events and projects, as well as planning our upcoming Elder~Youth Conference. Whistling Elk Singers will kick off the gathering, we'll potluck, as usual, and share food, stories and information with our community. All are welcomed and we look forward to seeing you!
R.E.D. Meeting
Please join us as we start organizing for our Elder~Youth Conference!
R.E.D. Meeting
Business meeting to discuss plans for upcoming Benefit, Community Garden, Elder/Youth Conference. Please join us if you can!
R.E.D. Meeting
We are in planning and organizing mode for our upcoming spring event--the Benefit for Grandma Aggie. All are welcomed to attend this meeting and help out!
Benefit Event for Grandma Aggie and the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
Please join us for dinner, movie, speakers and music all afternoon and evening to raise funds for the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and their Gathering this coming summer, and to raise consciousness and awareness about local and national indigenous issues. We will serve a fantastic meal, show Grandma Aggie's film featuring the Indigenous Grandmothers and their purpose and work, speak to the community about important things happening in Indian Country, have some music and enjoy gathering as a community. Tickets and entry will be sliding scale.
R.E.D. Meeting
Please join us for a meeting to help organize an upcoming fund-raiser for Grandma Aggie. We will be hosting a gathering, "dinner and a movie," as a benefit to raise money for the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers'. We're happy to be able to show Grandma Aggie's documentary on the work the Grandmothers are doing internationally. We'd love help organizing and helping to host this gathering, so volunteers are needed and appreciated!