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Acorn Festival

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Event Details
Saturday, October 16, 2010 - 9:00am - 6:00pm
Selma Community Center
Hwy. 199 in downtown Selma
Selma, OR
(541) 5923939

You are invited to the 3rd Annual Acorn Festival. This indoor/outdoor FREE event includes:

Hands-on Workshops on acorns and their processing.
Yurok acorn cooking basket demonstration with Lena Hurd.
Traditional tools and fishing gear teachings with Tom Smith.
Oak gall medicinal use with Deb Lukus of Spiral Living.
Stickball gaming (shinny games) with Red Earth Descendants.

5 p.m. potluck includes traditional dishes as well as innovative new recipes made with acorns. Bring a side dish in you can. All are welcome. Rain or shine!

Native American Host Drum: Whistling Elk

Come and enjoy the food and festivities as we celebrate the nutritious and delicious acorn.

Sponsored by the Cultural and Ecological Enhancement Network

For more information, contact Suzanne Vautier at 541-592-3939