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Upcoming Fall and Winter Events--Indigenous Peoples' Day and Storytelling!
Mark you calendars for the following two events coming up--see "read more" under the photo--
Indigenous Peoples' Day, in collaboration with Southern Oregon University, the City of Ashland, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and the Ashland School District, Monday, October 14, 2019--in place of Columbus Day--to honor the indigenous peoples across this continent! R.E.D. is thrilled to help host the following:
October 13th
Film Festival Kick-off Event
1:00pm - 4:00pm South Medford High School, FREE
Southern Oregon ESD Indian Ed
Contact: Teresa_Cisneros@soesd.k12.or.us
October 14th
Grandma Aggie's 95th Birthday Celebrations
Dear Friends of Grandma Aggie,
She will be 95 in September, and you're invited to two birthday celebrations ...
1. Wed. Sep. 11 (3:30 to 7:30pm)
Birthday Picnic and Storytelling
on the Rogue River at Ti'lomikh Falls near Gold Hill
at the property of Steve and Mary Kiesling
Details at: Wed. Sep. 11 Party
2. Sat. Sep. 14 (3:00 to 8:00pm)
Birthday Luncheon and Concert
on the Illinois River near Cave Junction
at Mea Woodruff's Cedar Bloom Farm (with Fri.-Sun. camping option)
Details and tickets at: Sat. Sep. 14 Party
For more details, click under the photo ("Read More")
2017 Native Storytelling Conference
You're invited to join us for a magical evening of indigenous-based storytelling. Break away from fast-paced technology and holiday chaos for a few hours to hear these precious, age-old stories. . .stories that help us understand our humanity and stories that inspire us to be better people, in balance with earth and each other. Scroll down below flier and click "read more!"
Storytelling Reflections 2016
On behalf of our core R.E.D. community, we'd like to once again express our gratitude for the help in supporting and participating in our annual Native Storytelling Conference last month. Please click "Read More" below photo for full story.
Solidarity with Standing Rock ~ No Dakota Access Pipeline
R.E.D. will host a second rally and gathering of updates/information next Saturday, September 10 @ Noon on the Ashland Plaza. Similar to last week, we will open with a prayer and will launch into sharing updates and accurate information.
A reminder that a vehicle is leaving for Sacred Stone Camp early this week to bring donated items to women and children, including school supplies for the Home-School program they have, warm clothing, blankets, essential supplies, etc.. A drop-off site is 424 Helman Street--front porch. Go to "read more" under the photos. . .
World Peace and Prayer Day Ceremony 2016
On the brink of this 21st annual honoring of World Peace and Prayer Day, people across the world have been instructed and encouraged by Chief Arvol Looking Horse to pray in their own sacred places on June 21 with focus on bringing peace and balance into our collective consciousness by connecting to the land. . .to our Mother Earth. However you choose to honor this day, we are grateful for your attention to the social and environmental concerns facing us during this time of change and conflict. Click "read more" below picture to see more.
Response to Occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Headquarters
Our organization, Red Earth Descendants, has been asked to voice a response to the recent militant occupation of the Wildlife Refuge in Malheur County in northeast Oregon. Since the occupation is potentially volatile and full of political agendas from many entities, R.E.D. has not issued a statement until now, due to the respect we pay to our tribal elders. R.E.D. itself is not a political organization; yet, we understand that there are times when politics intersect with land rights, which in turn intersects with cultural identity and survival. Click "Read More" below.